Look at this chunk of code: 💻
public class Cats
public int countNumFeet (int numCats)
return 4*numCats;
// There may be instance variables, constructors, and other methods not
// shown.
Can you identify the method header? 🤔
That's right! 👏 It's "public int countNumFeet (int numCats)"! 🐱
Breaking it Down: 🔍
The keyword "public" means that this method can be accessed from other classes.
- It can be replaced by the word "private" to give you:
private int countNumFeet (int numCats)
- Putting "private" means that the method can only be accessed within the "Cats" class
The keyword "int" tells you what this method returns when it is called.
- In this case, it returns an integer value after it is called
- It can be replaced by "double", "boolean", "String", or the name of a class if the method returns an object
- If the word "void" is there instead of the other options, this means the method doesn't return anything
The word "countNumFeet" is the name of the method.
- This can be replaced with anything without changing what the method does
- It's best if you make the name of the method something that lets people easily know what it's doing
The "int numCats" tells you what is being passed into this method.
- In the example, an integer called "numCats" is being passed in
- You can have a method that has nothing being passed in:
public int countNumFeet ()
- You can also have a method that has multiple parameters passed in:
public int countNumFeet (int numCats, int numEars, boolean isAngry)
Method headings may also include the phrases "static" or "abstract", but this will be discussed in later articles.
Try it out! 😃
#1) Write the header for a method that can only be accessed within the class it's declared in. This method takes in a String called "text" and doesn't return anything. Call your method "example1". (Scroll down for the answer)
#2) Write the header for a method that can be accessed from other classes. This method takes nothing in and returns a boolean. Call your method "example2". (Scroll down for the answer)
#3) Write the header for a method that can be accessed from other classes. This method takes in a boolean "testPassed" and an integer "score". It returns a String. Call your method "example3". (Scroll down for the answer)
Answers: ✔
#1) private void example1 (String text)
#2) public boolean example2 ()
#3) public String example3 (boolean testPassed, int score)
Summary: 🎉✨
You can write a method header with just a few simple steps.
- Choose public or private
- Choose what the method returns: void (nothing), int, double, boolean, String, or the name of a class
- Choose the name of the method
- Choose what parameters to pass into the method
That's it! You're ready to start writing your own method headers! 👏