Here's an organized outline for AP Environmental Science Unit 3 reviews. This outline has been adapted from the 2019 Course Description published by College Board. You can use this to build an AP Enviro Unit 3 study guide.
Species Adaptation
A variety of factors result in the change of populations within ecosystems.
When a population surpasses its carrying capacity organisms will die due to lack of available resources.
Species tend to fall into one of two categories, specialist or generalist and this allows them to succeed in vastly different ecosystems.
Specialist species are highly adapted to their specific environment and are often unable to survive habitat change.
Generalist species are able to quickly adapt and take advantage of changing habitats, these species are often able to excel in human altered environments.
Reproductive patterns are grouped into K- or r- selected species and these differences impact the growth patterns in populations.
K-selected species tend to be large, have few offspring per reproduction event, live in stable environments, expend significant energy for each offspring, mature after many years of extended youth and parental care, have long life spans/life expectancy, and reproduce more than once in their lifetime. Competition for resources in K-selected species’ habitats is usually relatively high.
r-selected species tend to be small, have many offspring, expend or invest minimal energy for each offspring, mature early, have short life spans, and may reproduce only once in their lifetime. Competition for resources in r-selected species’ habitats is typically relatively low.