Perhaps one of the most important aspects of contemporary life that affects the quality of life is education. The education system in Germany is different in many ways from the ones in other countries, but it produces high-performing students. Almost everyone in Germany attends a public school, and education is a function of the federal states (government), and there are differences between the 16 individual states themselves.
Children are able to attend kindergarten from three to six. After kindergarten, school is only mandatory for either nine or ten years. The number varies because of different rules in different states. All students attend elementary school (Grundschule) from grades 1 through 4. All students receive the same coursework in Grundschule, i.e., the subjects taught are the same for all. After the 4th grade, they are separated according to their academic ability and what their families want them to do.
There are sometimes as many as five different kinds of secondary schools (usually starting at grade 5) and various paths leading to academic higher education, advanced technical training, or a trade. Grundschule **teachers recommend their students to a particular school based on things like academic achievement, self-confidence, and the ability to work independently. In most states, parents have the final say as to which school their child attends following fourth grade.
The Hauptschule is generally considered the least demanding of the five types of secondary school, but it is often the best choice for students who are interested in trades or those who want to go through an apprenticeship for certain types of industrial jobs.
The Hauptschule prepares students for vocational education. Vocational education prepares people to work as technicians or to work in a skilled craft. Here, most of the pupils work part-time as apprentices. After grade 9 or 10, they complete their final Hauptschulabschluss. They also have the option of earning the more prestigious Realschulabschluss after grade 10. With that, the next step is often a Berufsschule, an advanced technical/vocational school with a two-year course of apprenticeship and study.
Realschule (grades 5-10)
This is the most popular type of secondary school in Germany. About 40 percent of German students attend this kind of school. The Realschule may be a step below the Gymnasium, but it can be a very good school, with academic standards that usually exceed those of a typical high school in the US. For instance, Realschule students must study at least one foreign language (usually English 🇬🇧 or French 🇫🇷) for a minimum of five years. (In Gymnasium a second foreign language is required.) Graduates earn a Realschulabschluss (diploma). In some communities, a Realschule and a Gymnasium may share the same building, with a shared library and other common facilities.
Mittelschule (grades 6-10)
A Bavarian specialty: The Mittelschule ("intermediate" level between elementary and higher education) combines the Hauptschule and Realschule tracks.
Gymnasium (grades 5-12 or 5-13)
The German Gymnasium is an academic secondary school that prepares students for the university. It begins with the fifth grade (seventh in Berlin/Brandenburg). After grade 12 or 13 (depending on the state), students earn a diploma called das Abitur by passing an oral and written exam. Traditionally, there had been a heavy emphasis on the study of Latin and Greek, but modern languages are favored today. Until the 1970s there were separate Gymnasien for boys and girls, but today they are co-ed.
The Gymnasium curriculum is highly academic, with two foreign languages required, plus higher-level math ➗ and science courses. Students also have the option of taking more advanced “honors” courses (Leistungskurse).
Any student with an “Abi” diploma from a Gymnasium is eligible to be admitted to a German university, but there are no guarantees that you will be able to study what you want. Popular fields such as law and medicine are extremely competitive. Students often have to choose a second or third choice for their major or have to enroll in a smaller university or one further away.
Gesamtschule (grades 5-12 or 5-13)
This type of school combines the three school types into a comprehensive school that is similar to an American high school. Beginning in the late 1960s, the Gesamtschule (comprehensive school) was introduced as an alternative to the traditional three-tiered secondary education system. Instead of three different schools, there are three different tracks within one school.

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Das Notensystem-- Das deutsche Notensystem geht von 1 bis 6, wobei eins (1) die beste Note (A) 💯 und sechs (6) die schlechteste (F) ist 😭 Schlechte Noten in mehreren Fächern können dazu führen, dass ein Schüler ein ganzes Schuljahr wiederholen muss.
The Grading System—The German grading scale runs from 1 to 6, with one being the best grade (A) 💯 and six the worst (F) 😭 Poor grades in several subjects can result in a student having to repeat an entire school year.
Der Stundenplan -- Ein deutscher Stundenplan ist nicht jeden Tag gleich. Eher wie ein Stundenplan an einer Universität, mit einigen Unterrichten dreimal pro Woche, während andere nur zwei Tage pro Woche sind. Die Klassen werden für die Woche geplannt, nicht für den Tag.
Class schedules—A German class schedule is not the same every day. More like a college schedule, with some classes three times a week, while others are only two days a week.
Schule Freitagen -- Um massive Staus zu vermeiden (ja, wirklich), haben die deutschen Schulen in den 16 Bundesländern einen gestaffelten Urlaubsplan, der jedes Jahr wechselt. Einjährige Schulen in Berlin können ihre Sommerferien im Juni beginnen, während die in Bayern im Juli beginnen. Es gibt sogar eine
Website, auf der Sie einen staatlichen Schulferien-Leitfaden für die nächsten Jahre finden.
School vacation dates—In order to avoid massive traffic jams (yes, really), German schools in the 16 Bundesländer have a staggered vacation schedule that rotates each year. One-year schools in Berlin may begin their summer vacation in June, while those in Bavaria begin in July. Check out
this site to find a state-by-state school vacation guide for the next several years.
Klassenlehrer -- Ab der fünften Klasse eines Gymnasiums (siebter für andere Schultypen) werden die Schüler mit einem bestimmten Klassenlehrer in „Klassenräume“ eingeteilt. Sie bleiben für den Rest ihrer Schulzeit zusammen.
Homeroom teacher—Beginning in the fifth grade in a Gymnasium (seventh for other school types), students are grouped into “homerooms” with a particular teacher. They stay together for the rest of their school years.