Putting Your Mental Health First

4 min readjuly 11, 2024

Health and Wellness 😀

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Putting Your Mental Health First 

“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.” - John F. Kennedy 🏃
During quarantine, it’s been difficult to keep up with our mental and physical health. When we’re cycling through the same routine every day, it’s easy to neglect our well-being. And when we neglect our health, it’s difficult to stay focused and keep ourselves engaged throughout the school year. 😫  With this blog, we hope to give students ideas and pointers on how to maintain their wellness during this time.🙌
“You can't pour from an empty cup...” - Norm Kelly 🚰
First and foremost, our own mental and physical health should be a priority. Keeping in good health not only ensures that we have the energy and motivation to accomplish what we need to in our own lives, but also allows us to positively engage with others. So, what are some ways you can maintain your well-being? 
  • Eat Healthy and Stay Hydrated 🍲

When you give your body the right fuel, you’re setting yourself up for success by establishing habits that allow for a healthier and happier lifestyle. No matter what diet you may follow, incorporating some more nutrients and vitamins into your meals is a great way to keep yourself on a track that has you feeling and performing your best. 
Here are some nutrient rich recipes across a variety of diets and cuisines that you might want to try!
Additionally, staying hydrated is something that we may overlook and forget to do, but it truly is important in keeping our bodies and minds sharp. Continue to refill a cup or bottle of water to stay energized and hydrated throughout the day!
  • Prioritize Sleep in Your Schedule 😴

We all know sleep is important, but it can be pretty tricky to keep your sleep schedule in check, especially with exams (cough, cough, AP) coming up and other numerous commitments. The benefits of a good night’s rest often proves much more beneficial to academic success than sacrificing it to study, with said benefits including a better mood, an increase in the capacity for productivity, as well as improved memory. With this said, many students struggle to get the sleep they need. 
Here are some tips that can help get you a restful night:
  • Recognize the amount of sleep you need to perform the next day and stick to it. Try sleeping without an alarm if you can to determine your body’s natural sleep/wake cycle and rhythm.
  • Curate your sleeping environment. If you always feel hot when you sleep, try to make your environment cooler however you can. This is all based on personal likes and comfort, so take some time to evaluate how you sleep best.
  • Try to save your last hour before bed to read, journal, draw, and disconnect from your phone/laptop. Having time to unwind before bed helps transition to a relaxed and deeper sleep.
  • Deal with worries, issues, and problems before bed. Even though it can be tough to sleep when there’s responsibilities and other stressors hanging over your head, try to deal with them before bed so it doesn’t keep you up at night. A possible solution might be creating action plans and to-do lists for the items you have to tackle before bed, so it doesn’t follow you into sleep. 
Try to ensure that you get at least 7 hours of quality sleep a day so you can wake up fresh, ready to tackle the day!
  • Find Your Own Self-Care Activities 🤳                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Self-care covers a variety of different activities and interests and can be personalized to fit one’s own preferences. For example, many people enjoy running as a way to destress, whilst others may prefer painting or dancing. By keeping an open mind to try new things, you can find new hobbies or even long-term activities that work as de-stressors or just simple acts of kindness to oneself. 🎨🎧
  • Exercise a Few Times a Week 🎽

Physical activity is very important. It doesn’t have to be difficult or inconvenient, though. Even setting aside ten minutes a few days a week is worthwhile and helps build stamina and strength. 🏋  As well, exercising gives you those great endorphins that help you feel happier and overall more present. The best part is that exercise is flexible and doesn’t just mean shredding at the gym: you can dance, walk, bike, run, and do whatever you enjoy to get your heart pumping. Schedule your workouts according to whenever you feel energized and have fun! 
  • Have Fun! 🙋

Self-care is very important, but it doesn’t have to be a bore! Every once in a while, try changing up your self-care routines for fun. For example, you can journal when you feel compelled to vent your feelings in pen or draw on your algebra homework (just kidding, LOL 🤡). The point is: try and find activities that you enjoy doing and stick to them when you want to destress or just relax. 😎✨
Though quarantine has been difficult for many of us, continuing to prioritize our well-being will allow us to be there for others and ultimately set ourselves up for success in the future. We hope that these suggestions will provide some inspiration for your self-care. 💓
If you find yourself struggling with your mental health and need help, here are some *hotlines you can call:
  • Depression Hotline: 1-630-482-9696
  • Self Injury Hotline: 1-800-366-8288
  • National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Hotline: 1-800-950-NAMI (6264)
*a more comprehensive list of hotlines is included in this link

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