




6.16 MC Answers and Review

6 min readjune 18, 2024

AP US History 🇺🇸

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Answers and Review for Multiple Choice Practice on The Industrial Revolution

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Facts about the test: The AP US History exam has 55 multiple choice questions and you will be given 55 minutes to complete the section. That means it should take you around 1 minute per question. The following questions were not written by College Board and, although they cover information outlined in the AP US History Course and Exam Description, the formatting on the exam may be different.

1. In the latter half of the 19th century, economic policies favored by the Republican party featured a focus on which of the following goals?
A. the creation of a subtreasury 
B. heavy regulation of businesses
C. free coinage of silver
D. high tariffs
Explanation: The Republican dominated governments in the Gilded Age favored high tariffs for the promotion of domestic industry.
📄 Read Unit 6.13: Politics in the Gilded Age

2. In the last decades of the 19th century, immigration patterns shifted due to increased emigration from which of the following areas?
A. north and central Europe  
B. southern and eastern Europe
C. the British Isles
D. mainland China
Explanation: The turn of the century featured increased numbers of "new immigrants" from Southern and Eastern Europe.
📄 Read Unit 6.8: Immigration and Migration

3. The Supreme Court decision to overturn Granger laws in Wabash v. Illinois (1886) led to
A. passage of the Gold Standard Act  
B. the creation of the Interstate Commerce Commission
C. the passage of the Sherman Antitrust Act
D. the implementation of the Specie Resumption Act
Explanation: The Supreme Court's decision in Wabash limited state government's ability to regulate Railroads; the ICC was created to do so at a Federal level.
📄 Read Unit 6.13: Politics in the Gilded Age

4. The Bessemer process revolutionized which of the following industries
A. coal mining
B. cattle ranching
C. oil refining
D. steel creation
Explanation: Andrew Carnegie utilized the Bessemer process to allow for the mass production of increasingly inexpensive steel
📄 Read Unit 6.5: Technological Innovation

5. Which of the following social reformers is correctly matched with their area of focus?
A. Jacob Riis - poor working conditions in meatpacking plants
B. David Graham Phillips - exposing the corporate wrongs of Standard Oil
C. Lincoln Steffens - corruption of America's city governments
D. Ida Tarbell - the alleviation of poverty
Explanation: Lincoln Steffens wrote a series of articles for McClure's magazine focused on corruption in city governments, later to become a book titled "the Shame of the Cities"
📄 Read Unit 6.13: Politics in the Gilded Age

6. The Knights of Labor markedly declined in membership due to false allegations of being associated with anarchists in which of the following union actions?
A. the Haymarket Square protest
B. the Homestead Steel strike
C. the Pullman Strike
D. the National Railroad Strike
Explanation: The Knights were falsely believed to have been responsible for the violence of Haymarket square. These allegations led to a decline in their popularity
📄 Read Unit 6.7: Labor in the Gilded Age

7. Western farmers in the latter half of the 19th century were negatively impacted by all of the following except for
A. tight money policies pursued by the federal government  
B. excessive freight rates for railroad shipping
C. price deflation in agricultural goods
D. the Boll Weevil
Explanation: The Boll Weevil affected the cotton crop in the 1930's.
📄 Read Unit 6.2: Westward Expansion: Economic Development

8. Which of the following acts allotted land to individual Native American heads of household
A. the Treaty of Fort Laramie 
B. the Morrill Land Grant act
C. the Dawes Act
D. the Homestead Act
Explanation: The Dawes Severalty Act allotted land that had been possessed by tribal units to individual Native American heads of household.
📄 Study Unit 6.3: Westward Expansion: Social and Cultural Development

9. Enclosure of Western land with barbed wire led to conflict between landowners and which of the following groups?
A. cowboys
B. Irish immigrants
C. miners
D. homesteaders
Explanation: Cowboys and land owners occasionally had armed conflict due to disputes over the fencing in of land that lie on the route of cattle drives.
📄 Read Unit 6.2: Westward Expansion: Economic Development

10. Promoters of the "New South" in the years following the Civil War sought to promote
A. modernization of the Southern economy
B. a return to plantation agriculture
C. a diversification of Southern agriculture into staple crops like wheat and corn
D. a separation of the Southern economy from the Northern economy
Explanation: HW Grady promoted a "New South" premised on integrating a modernized Southern economy with that of the North.
📄 Read Unit 6.4: The "New South"

11. The "City Beautiful" movement in the latter half of the 19th Century focused on which of the following efforts?
A. a reform of municipal governments
B. assimilation of newly arrived immigrant populations
C. attempts by municipal planners to preserve "green space" in the city environment through parks and boulevards
D. attempts to tame the growing problems of air pollution
Explanation: The City Beautiful movement was a late 19th century movement to maintain nature in the city environment
📄 Read Unit 6.11: Reform In the Gilded Age

12. Corporate consolidation in the latter half of the 19th Century was restricted most effectively by which of the following
A. anti-combination laws at the state level
B. laissez faire policies pursued by the Federal Government
C. horizontal integration
D. the Sherman Antitrust Act
Explanation: Corporations were limited much more harshly by state governments in the Gilded Age.
📄 Read Unit 6.12: Controversies over the Role of Government

13. The spread of the industrial economy to impact all Americans in the latter half of the 19th century can be seen by
A. the 1896 World's Fair in Chicago, Illinois
B. a mass culture promoted by radio programs
C. vertical integration
D. US Postal Service rural free delivery of Sears and Roebuck catalogs
Explanation: Mail order catalogs allowed all Americans to participate in the consumer economy of the Gilded Age.
📄 Read Unit 6.10: Development of the Middle Class

14. Populists in the latter half of the 19th Century advocated for all of the following except for
A. the continuation of the Gold Standard
B. an agricultural subtreasury
C. nationalization of the railroads
D. anti-monopoly legislation
Explanation: Populists promoted deflationary silver currency, not a gold-backed currency.
📄 Read Unit 6.13: Politics in the Gilded Age

15. Which of the following industrialists/entrepreneurs is matched with their correct industry?
A. JD Rockefeller - Coal  
B. Andrew Carnegie - Electricity
C. Cornelius Vanderbilt - Railroads
D. JP Morgan - Oil
Explanation: Vanderbilt amassed a tremendous fortune through the transportation industry--first shipping, then railroads.
📄 Read Unit 6.6: The Rise of Industrial Capitalism

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