




5.3 Predominant Seventh Chords

1 min readnovember 29, 2021

Cesar Torruella

Cesar Torruella

AP Music Theory 🎶

72 resources
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5.3: Predominant Seventh Chords

The dominant chord is not the only chord allowed to have a seventh. Sometimes you will find predominant chords with 4 notes – a predominant seventh chord. Adding a seventh to any predominant chord (ii⁷, iiø⁷) is possible even if they are inverted (ii6/5, or iiø6/5.) It is important to remember that a predominant seventh chord must be completely spelled. You must not omit any of the 4 notes total.

Examples (a) and (b) shows each pre-dominant seventh chord spelled completely with four notes each. Image from: The Muscicians Guide for Theory and Analysis. Third edition.

A Predominant chord (for now, built on scale degrees 2 and 4) tends to lead us to the dominant. IV-V-I has a strong bass motion that leads into the cadence. ii-V-I is good because the roots are part of the circle of fifths, which makes for strong motion. ii6-V-I is even better because the root motion is still fifths, but the bass motion is 4-5-1
The seventh of any chord is considered a tendency tone. Often is called the chordal seventh. The chordal seventh must resolve down by step.
In minor keys the iv is now a minor chord, and ii7 becomes half diminished. The same rule applies to these as they do in major keys. They are still pre-dominant chords that lead to the dominant.
Browse Study Guides By Unit
🎵Unit 1 – Music Fundamentals I (Pitch, Major Scales and Key Signatures, Rhythm, Meter, and Expressive Elements)
🎶Unit 2 – Music Fundamentals II (Minor Scales and Key Signatures, Melody, Timbre, and Texture)
🎻Unit 3 – Music Fundamentals III (Triads and Seventh Chords)
🎹Unit 4 – Harmony and Voice Leading I (Chord Function, Cadence, and Phrase)
🎸Unit 5: Harmony and Voice Leading II: Chord Progressions and Predominant Function
🎤Unit 7 – Harmony and Voice Leading IV (Secondary Function)
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